Pre-visit pharmaceuticals (PVPs) are medications given before a stressful situation to promote a sense of calm and relaxation. They are an essential part of a Fear Free practice to ensure that pets receive high quality care which prioritizes their emotional needs. Below you’ll find more information about each medication we use to help make sure pets have a positive experience for every visit.
Gabapentin influences a few different neurotransmitters which results in a calming effect on the nervous system. Incredibly safe, it typically wears off 4-6 hours after it is given.
Trazodone primarily affects serotonin, commonly referred to as the ‘feel good’ neurotransmitter. The medication begins working a few hours after it is given and the effects wear off shortly after that. This makes it a safe option for alleviating anxiety in dogs during stressful situations.
Sileo was initially designed for noise sensitivity in dogs but it is also very helpful to alleviate anxiety before vet visits by reducing the release of stress signals in the brain. It works best when given before stress begins. It is a gel that is applied to the gums about 40 minutes before the appointment.
Various combinations of these medications often provide enough anxiety relief for many pets during their visit. For pets with extreme fear and distress, these medications may not be enough. If that is the case, sedation may be recommended.
We’re here to help develop a plan that works best for your pets’ needs. We understand that the use of anti-anxiety medications for your pets may be a new concept for you, or it may even seem scary or overwhelming. Side effects are not common but please discuss any concerns you may have with the doctor during your visit.