Detecting and managing pain

Animals are incredibly skilled at hiding pain, which can make it hard to tell when they are suffering. This often means sources of pain go undetected, so they don’t get the help they need in a timely manner. Injuries and illnesses can progress and get worse, leading to more pain over time.

Long term, or chronic pain, can lead to your pet not acting themselves. They may experience reduced mobility or they may become more irritable over time. This can really impact their quality of life.

We are proud to offer Well Vu Thermal Imaging to aid in the early detection of pain! This new technology offers instant, non-invasive full-body scans, providing valuable insights in a Fear Free manner. This method ensures that animals are comfortable and stress-free during the process.

We recommend proactively screening for underlying conditions, not just the obvious ones. On average, 14.2% of wellness exams that are performed utilizing thermography reveal abnormalities that would typically be missed with physical examination alone.

Part of our mission to improve the quality of life and welfare of our patients is addressing any pain, be it chronic or acute. There are many treatment options available, including daily medications, monthly pain injections, or even behavior modification programs for physical therapy exercises.

Schedule an appointment for a WellVu screen if you’d like to discuss any concerns you have for your pet and how we can help!